Regional Climate Services

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Xuebin Zhang

Dr. Xuebin Zhang is the Director, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC). As one of the top scientists in the fields of climate detection, attribution and the study of extremes, Dr. Zhang brings to his role at PCIC an extensive knowledge of the Earth’s climate system, how it is changing and the effects of climate change at the regional scale.

Edward Beard

As the Content and Engagement Coordinator at PCIC, Ed works on the Regional Climate Impacts team developing practical information on the physical impacts of climate change for climate service users. After completing a B.Sc. in Geography (Honours) at the University of Bristol, he went on to complete a Master of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia, where he focused his work on engaging communities to solve environmental challenges. He brings recent experience working in environmental policy and climate research at the national and regional levels of government in the UK.

Loni Feffer

Loni is an Indigenous Communities Climate Knowledge Translator, working as part of the User Engagement team at PCIC. Her role focuses on building the User Engagement team’s capacity to develop climate services for Indigenous communities and organizations. Loni received her B.A. in Social Sciences from the University of Victoria in 2021, and her professional background includes supporting Indigenous language revitalization at First Peoples’ Cultural Council, as well as event coordination and food security programs at various non-profits.

John Sampson

Originally from Manchester, in the United Kingdom, John has been a Canadian resident since 2015 and has lived in Victoria since 2016. John joined PCIC in 2023, where he leads the development of many of PCIC's online applications for serving and analyzing climate data. With a background in web development since 2011, he has lent his expertise to various industries, including dental labs and travel booking software. Notably, at Lee Valley, John played a key role in modernizing their online presence contributing widely to their current website.

Izzy Farmer

As the Content Development and User Engagement Coordinator at PCIC, Izzy works on the Regional Climate Impacts team developing practical information on the physical impacts of climate change for climate service users. After completing a B.Sc. in Biology (Honours) at the University of Ottawa, Izzy went on to complete a Master of Public Health at the University of Victoria, where she focused her work on how climate change impacts health and health equity. Izzy brings recent experience working in climate change adaptation at the regional and provincial levels of government in BC.

Kristyn Lang

Kristyn is a Climate Impacts Analyst and Knowledge Translator, working as a member of the Regional Climate Impacts team at PCIC. Her role focuses on obtaining and analyzing downscaled climate projections for climate risk assessment and assisting stakeholders in understanding climate data and its implications. Kristyn recently graduated with a B.Sc. in Earth Science (Honours) and a minor in Environmental Studies from the University of Victoria. Her research experience involves the use of models to understand Earth system dynamics on various temporal and spatial scales.

Jingwen Wu

Jingwen Wu is a Postdoctoral Research Hydrologist in Hydrology at PCIC. His work at PCIC focus on the upgrade of the Raven Hydrologic Modelling platform to accommodate realistic lake thermal modelling and investigation of future climate change on river discharge and Salmon Management. Jingwen earned his PhD. and Master’s degrees in global environment change at Beijing Normal University in China. His doctoral research focused on the assessment of the propagations form meteorological drought to hydrological drought in Loess Plateau.

Tong Li

Tong Li joined PCIC as a Post-doctoral researcher in 2023. Her main fields of interests are global and regional climate extremes, climate change projections, observational constraints, and detection and attribution. During her doctoral period, she focused on applying multiple observational constraints to deal with the multi-model projection problem. She also applied a more rigorous way to evaluate the validity of model ensembles used in future projections.

Quintin Sparks

Quintin is a Programmer/Analyst at the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium's Computational Support Group. His principal responsibility is to enhance the development and implementation of advanced climate data analytics applications. In collaboration with provincial and national partners, his efforts are instrumental in informing government policy while assisting new stakeholders in utilizing climate data. These stakeholders include Indigenous Nations, critical infrastructure operators, and services organizations for equity-denied populations.

Abigaïl Dah

Abigaïl is a Climate Data and Mapping Research Assistant at PCIC, where her work focuses on expanding PCIC’s downscaling capabilities to address requirements at even higher resolution than the downscaling products PCIC offers today. In the course of her studies, Abigail became interested in numerical modelling and data processing and their application to the field of climate science. She arrived in Victoria last spring for an internship at UVic, in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, where she worked on coastal convection modelling with Dr. Boualem Khouider.


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