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Publications Library

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Feb 2025

    This edition of the PCIC Update contains the following stories: Two New Regional Climate Assessments, Creating a Canada-Wide Mosaic of High-Resolution Climate Maps, Expanded Streamflow Analysis for BC River Basins, Supporting Climate Preparedness in Small BC Communities, Two PCIC Scientists Again Recognized as Highly-Cited Researchers, along with updates on staff changes and the Pacific Climate Seminar Series. The staff issue in this profile is on Loni Feffer.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Oct 2024

    This is the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium's 2023-2024 Corporate Report.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Oct 2024

    This edition of the PCIC Update contains the following stories: 2023 and the Transition to 2024: A Record-Breaking Year Globally and for BC, Salmon Climate Impacts Portal Released, Development of High-resolution Climate Change Freshwater Hazard Data for BC, Updates to Plan2Adapt and PCIC Climate Explorer and The Pacific Climate Data Set Surpasses One Billion Observations, along with updates on staff changes and the Pacific Climate Seminar Series. The staff issue in this profile is on Quintin Sparks.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Feb 2024

    This edition of the PCIC Update contains the following stories: New PCIC Director Featured in UVic News, City of Vancouver Climate Report Released, PCIC’s Evolution Over the Past 15 Years: A Retrospective by Rachel Goldsworthy and Supporting Risk Assessments in BC, along with updates on staff changes and the Pacific Climate Seminar Series. The staff issue in this profile is on Markus Schnorbus.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Oct 2023

    This is the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium's 2022-2023 Corporate Report.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Sep 2023

    This issue of the PCIC Update contains the following stories: Data Portal for Canada’s Western Arctic Released, Supporting the Management of BC Salmon Habitats and New Future-Adjusted Weather Files for Canada. It also contains an update on the Pacific Climate Seminar Series, staff changes at PCIC and PCIC's most recent publications. The staff profile in this issue is on Eric Yvorchuk.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Jun 2023

    This issue of the PCIC Update contains the following stories: Climate Projections for the City of Terrace Released and A Mystery Gremlin Resolved! It also contains an update on the Pacific Climate Seminar Series, staff changes at PCIC and PCIC's most recent publications. The staff profile in this issue is on Tom Kunkel.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Apr 2023

    This issue of the PCIC Update contains the following stories: Correcting CMIP6 Model Output for Downscaling, Bilingual Design Value Explorer Announcement, and IPCC Summary for Policy Makers on Synthesis Report. It also contains an update on the Pacific Climate Seminar Series, staff changes at PCIC and PCIC's most recent publications. The staff profile in this issue is on Nina Nichols.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Dec 2022

    This issue of the PCIC Update contains the following stories: An Unprecedented Warm and Dry Start to Autumn in Southern BC Gives Way to a Cooler Winter Forecast, Continued Refinement of PCIC’s Downscaling Methods, Analysing Climate Change Impacts on the Nechako River and Working With Hydrologic Projections. It also contains an update on the Pacific Climate Seminar Series, staff changes at PCIC and PCIC's most recent publications. The staff profile in this issue is on Dr. Samah Larabi.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Oct 2022

    This is the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium's 2021-2022 Corporate Report.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Jun 2022

    This issue of the PCIC Update contains the following stories: Providing Extreme Streamflow Values for the Fraser River and Joint CMOS/ESC/CGU Conference. The staff profile for this issue is on Dr. Pei-Ling Wang.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: May 2022

    This issue of the PCIC Update covers the following stories: Downscaled CMIP6 Data Now Available; Release of the Design Value Explorer; IPCC Reports on Impacts, Adaptation, Vulnerability and Mitigation; and New Section and Sector Modules on The Science Brief mentioned in this issue is on changes to Western Canadian glaciers. The talks discussed in this issue were delivered by Professor Ted Shepherd, Dr. Mohamed Ali Ben Alaya, Dr. Nathan Gillett and Markus Schnorbus, Dr. John Fyfe, Dr. Paul Kushner and Dr. Hans von Storch. The staff profile in this issue is on Stacey O'Sullivan.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Feb 2022

    PCIC is a regional climate service provider dedicated to ensuring the provision of quantitative, high qualityclimate information to stakeholders and the public in BC and more widely. PCIC considers itself to be a competent, innovative and reliable climate service provider that works at a very high level of technical proficiency. Motivated by our stakeholders’ needs, PCIC bases its services on results obtained from the global climate research community and its own applied, regional climate research. It also works to increase the capacity of others to use climate information and understand its limitations.

    This plan articulates PCIC’s ambition to serve as THE authoritative climate services provider in our region by setting out several service objectives for the organization that encompass a spectrum of activities ranging from direct data delivery to user-specific interpretation and training. These overarching service objectives are supported by several strategic objectives that are required to achieve our service objectives as well as a strategy for electronic services delivery. A key tool in achieving these objectives will be the careful use of climate change simulations produced for Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6; Eyring et al., 2016), which uses updated models compared to those considered in IPCC (2014), and considers a wider range of emissions scenarios, called Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs).

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Nov 2021

    This issue of the PCIC Update covers the following stories: Atmospheric River Brings Heavy Rains and Flooding to BC, PCIC Responds to Media Requests Regarding Recent Flooding, Comparing Climate Model Projections Across Canada, Modelling the Temperature of the Nechako, and Transportation Module on The Pacific Climate Seminar Series Talks discussed in this issue are the past talk by Dr. Qiaohong Sun and the upcoming talk by Dr. Ted Shepherd. The staff profile in this issue is on James Hiebert.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Oct 2021

    This is the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium's 2020-2021 Corporate Report.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Oct 2021

    This issue of the PCIC Update containts the following stories: Assessing Changing Flood Risk, Congratulations to the Recipients of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics, 2020-2021 Corporate Report Released, Supporting the Management of BC Salmon Habitats, Talks at the Pacific Climate Seminar Series. The staff profile is on Dr. Dhouha Ouali.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Aug 2021

    This issue of the PCIC Update containts the following stories: PCIC Responds to the Extreme Heat Wave, New IPCC Assessment Report Released, Evaluating the Latest Climate Model Results, Collaborating with Forest Ecolobists to Improve BC Climate Mapping, New PCIC Science Brief: Should the RCP 8.5 Emissions Scenario Represent "Business as Usual"? The staff profile is on Dr. Qiaohong Sun.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Mar 2021

    The March 2021 issue of the PCIC Update newsletter covers the following stories: 2020: A Year in Review, Two New Birds Join the DACCS Birdhouse, New Climate-Resilient Buildings and Core Infrastructure Report, Upcoming Talk in the Pacific Climate Seminar Series, Report on Wind and Power Outages Released, and Introducing ClimateWest. The staff profile is on PCIC Climate Data Analyst, Charlotte Ballantyne.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Jan 2021

    The January 2021 edition of the PCIC Update contains the following articles: Supporting Water Planning in BC, Developing Risk Assessment Tools for Salmon Habitat Management, and Engaging with the Agricultural Community. The staff profile is a joint one, highlighting the contributions of Jessie Booker and Cairo Sanders. It also contains PCIC staff news and publications.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Nov 2020

    This is PCIC's Corporate Report for 2019-2020.
