The latest PCIC Science Brief covers a review paper by Westra et al. on future changes to short-duration extreme rainfall. Their work, published in the journal Reviews of Geophysics, summarizes current research on the analysis of future changes to the intensity, duration and frequency of short-duration extreme rainfall.
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Posted: January 19, 2016
Posted: January 19, 2016
Located in the scenic Bow Valley in the Canadian Rockies, the town of Canmore, Alberta will be the setting for the 13th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology. The meeting will take place between June 6th and 10th, bringing together statisticians, climatologists and atmospheric scientists to discuss and hone the statistical methods that they use in their research.
Posted: January 19, 2016
PCIC is very pleased to announce that Dr. Christian Seiler will be moving into his new role as PCIC's Research Climatologist, starting in February. Prior to this, Christian was a Postdoc and Research Associate at PCIC, investigating model simulations of coastal storms for the Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response Network (MEOPAR).
Posted: September 17, 2015
We have just published our September 2015 PCIC Update.
Posted: July 7, 2015
PCIC is pleased to announce the release of our next Science Brief. PCIC Science Briefs are a regular series of brief reports on recent climate science literature, relevant to stakeholders in the Pacific and Yukon Region of Canada.
Posted: April 27, 2015
PCIC is pleased to announce the release of our next Science Brief. PCIC Science Briefs are a regular series of brief reports on recent climate science literature, relevant to stakeholders in the Pacific and Yukon Region of Canada.
Posted: March 2, 2015
Recent research published in Nature Climate Change by PCIC's Mohammad Reza Najafi and Francis Zwiers, and Nathan Gillett from the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis attributes the amount of change in surface air temperature in the arctic due to natural forcing agents, anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and other anthropogenic forcings (primarily aerosols).
Posted: February 24, 2015
PCIC is pleased to announce the release of our next Science Brief. PCIC Science Briefs are a regular series of brief reports on recent climate science literature, relevant to stakeholders in the Pacific and Yukon Region of Canada.
Posted: December 19, 2014
PCIC is pleased to announce the release of our next Science Brief. PCIC Science Briefs are a regular series of brief reports on recent climate science literature, relevant to stakeholders in the Pacific and Yukon Region of Canada.
Posted: November 20, 2014
Over the past year, PCIC has held three meetings between the scientists working on its three research themes and the users of the services and products developed by each of these themes.