Providing Regional Climate Services to British Columbia

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  • Posted: April 1, 2011

    Final results from the first phase of PCIC's Hydrologic Impacts research program with BC Hydro have been published, the culmination of four years of collaborative work aimed at better understanding the potential effects of climate variability and change on BC water resources.

    The following four peer-reviewed project reports are now available:

  • Posted: February 16, 2011

    PCIC is teaming up with the Institute for Coastal Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht (Germany) to offer the workshop "Exploring Regional Climate Services: Meeting Stakeholder Needs for Practical Climate Information" at the University of Victoria November 21-23, 2011.

  • Posted: February 3, 2011

    The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium is pleased to present its newly redesigned website at, sporting a new modern look-and-feel as well as features that better support climate information delivery to its members, stakeholders and the general public.

  • Posted: January 20, 2011

    PCIC Director Francis Zwiers and Lead Hydrologist Markus Schnorbus formally presented draft project reports to BC Hydro at the crown corporation's Burnaby offices on January 12, 2011.

    The following four reports represent the results of PCIC collaborative work with BCHydro since 2006:
