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Are our brains wired to ignore climate change?
“Why, when the evidence is so strong, and so many agree that this is our greatest problem, are we doing so little about climate change?”
Join us for this free lecture by UK climate change communications specialist George Marshall during his North America promotion tour of his new book; Don’t Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired To Ignore Climate Change. Marshall’s book on the psychology of climate change denial has attracted praise from climate scientists including James Hansen, the former director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and television’s Bill Nye (the Science Guy), as well as Canadian author Naomi Klein.
Marshall will discuss why, after 20 years of discussion, do so many people still ignore the scientific consensus and, increasingly, the evidence of their own eyes?
George Marshall has worked at all levels of the environmental movement, including as a senior campaigner for Greenpeace US and the Rainforest Foundation. Through his UK based charity, the Climate Outreach Information Network (COIN), he provides academic, government and campaign training in climate change communications and public engagement, and is a lead advisor to the Welsh Government. Marshall writes articles for publications including The New Statesman, The Guardian, and New Scientist, and frequently updates his blog