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Two PCIC Scientists Again Recognized as Highly-Cited Researchers
PCIC scientists continue to make significant contributions to their fields of study. Recently, PCIC Director Dr. Xuebin Zhang and PCIC Scientist Emeritus Dr. Francis Zwiers were again recognized for the significance and influence of their research.
Each year the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate compiles a list that honours the top researchers in their domains, as determined by citations of their work over the past decade, qualitative analysis by the Clarivate team and expert judgement. This list attempts to capture those researchers who have contributed work that has had significant impact in their fields and across fields. Clarivate characterizes the researchers that they recognise as, “one in one-thousand.” This marks Dr. Zwier’s seventh year on the list and Dr. Zhang’s fourth.
In addition, Dr. Zhang has just been inducted as a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society (AMS). New Fellows are elected annually by the AMS Council from a slate submitted by the Fellows Committee and are only eligible after an outstanding contribution to their fields over a substantial period of years.