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State of the Ocean up to 2012, British Columbia Edition
Lower Level Boardroom (Room 002),
University House 1, University of Victoria View Map
Dr. Bill Crawford, Research Scientist, Ocean Sciences Division Institute of Ocean Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, presents “State of the Ocean up to 2012, British Columbia Edition” as part of the joint PICS/PCIC Pacific Climate Seminar Series.
Abstract: Bill Crawford will describe variability in British Columbia coastal waters and their marine life in past years and right up to present day, showing how changes in persistent weather patterns can alter the coastal ocean and its ecosystem. He will also discuss changes in marine species and ecosystems that remain unknown.
Bill Crawford is a senior research scientist with DFO, and is also co-editor of the State of the Oceans Reports prepared annually by British Columbia marine scientists. For the past three years he has also led the National Centre of Expertise in State of the Ocean Reporting. His own research, over 35 years with DFO, has covered studies of ocean turbulence, nutrients, currents, mesoscale eddies and remote sensing. He is presently looking at hypoxia along the BC outer coast, where a decline in sub-surface oxygen concentration appears to be linked to advection of low-oxygen seawater from remote sources.