Providing Regional Climate Services to British Columbia

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Can We Still Limit the Global Warming to 1.5℃?

Kasia Tokarska
December 7, 2016 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm

David Clode Room, Grad House Restaurant, University of Victoria

The Community Climate Seminar Series is designed to connect the various groups that study climate related topics here in Victoria. Co-sponsored by the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society and the UVic Graduate Student Society, it is a unique opportunity for graduate students and researchers to have meaningful discussions about their work in a social atmosphere. Join us and experience the benefits of a scientific conference on campus!

The next talk, "Can We Still Limit the Global Warming to 1.5℃?" will be delivered by Kasia Tokarska, a climate scientist, PhD Candidate at the University of Victoria and a member of the UVic Climate Modelling Group. The event starts at 15:00 and the talk begins at 15:30.