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New PCIC Update: August 2021
This issue of the PCIC Update begins with the story, PCIC Responds to the Extreme Heat Wave, which covers PCIC's response to the June heat wave, including fielding media questions and contributing to the rapid attribution analysis focused on the event. The second story, New IPCC Assessment Report Released, covers the release of Working Group 1's contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Sixth Assessment Report and a few important findings from the report. This is followed by Evaluating the Latest Climate Model Results, which offers a first look at what climate model results from the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project hold for Canada and BC. The final story, Collaborating with Forest Ecologists to Improve BC Climate Mapping, looks at how forest ecologists, with their detailed understanding of the province’s ecology, have been working with PCIC researchers, contributing their insights to improve the process of developing climate maps for BC. This issue's staff profile is on Dr. Qiaohong Sun. The newsletter also covers the release of the latest Science Brief, which discusses a set of papers that examine whether the high-emissions Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 scenario should represent "Business as Usual"?