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New Publication: PCIC Corporate Report 2012-2013
PCIC is pleased to announce the release of its fifth annual corporate report, PCIC Corporate Report 2012-2013. This report outlines the consortium's efforts and successes in meeting its core mission and objectives over the past year.
The 2012-2013 Corporate Report discusses the new services and data products that PCIC has brought online over the fiscal year, and other accomplishments in providing regional climate services in the form of data, analysis and interpretation to stakeholders in the Yukon-British Columbia region. The report offers an overview of PCIC's performance, detailing PCIC’s scientific productivity, outreach activities and operations. It acknowledges PCIC's many partners and shares the perspectives of the Director and the Chairs representing the Board of Directors and Program Advisory Committee.
The PCIC Corporate Report 2012-13 is available electronically from our publications library or in print form from PCIC offices at the University of Victoria.