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New PCIC Science Brief: Adjustments to Upper Bounds of Sea Level Rise Projections
PCIC Science Briefs are a regular series of brief reports on recent climate science literature, relevant to stakeholders in the Pacific and Yukon Region of Canada. PCIC has developed these briefs because we recognize the need for a bridge between the cutting edge of climate science research and the various stakeholders who need access to this knowledge, in plain-language reports, filtered for regional relevance, and suitable for consideration in planning and adaptation. The PCIC Science Briefs contextualize and explain the results and implications of important scientific findings.
This Science Brief shares the results of a recent paper in the journal Climatic Change by Sriver and colleagues. In this paper, the authors examine the component of sea level rise due to thermal expansion and determine that the upper bound of physically plausible sea level rise is higher than once thought. The result is potentially important for British Columbia's coastal regions.