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  • Source Publication: Nature Communications, 16, 850, doi:10.1038/s41467-025-56235-9 Authors: Li, C., J. Liu, F. Du, F.W. Zwiers and G. Feng Publication Date: Jan 2025

    The latest climate models project widely varying magnitudes of future extreme precipitation changes, thus impeding effective adaptation planning. Many observational constraints have been proposed to reduce the uncertainty of these projections at global to sub-continental scales, but adaptation generally requires detailed, local scale information. Here, we present a temperature-based adaptative emergent constraint strategy combined with data aggregation that reduces the error variance of projected end-of-century changes in annual extremes of daily precipitation under a high emissions scenario by >20% across most areas of the world. These improved projections could benefit nearly 90% of the world’s population by permitting better impact assessment and adaptation planning at local levels. Our physically motivated strategy, which considers the thermodynamic and dynamic components of projected extreme precipitation change, exploits the link between global warming and the thermodynamic component of extreme precipitation. Rigorous cross-validation provides strong evidence of its reliability in constraining local extreme precipitation projections.

  • Source Publication: Data in Brief, Volume 58, 2025, 111246, ISSN 2352-3409, doi:10.1016/j.dib.2024.111246 Authors: McKenney, D.W., J.H. Pedlar, K. Lawrence, S.R. Sobie, K. DeBoer and T. Brescacin Publication Date: Jan 2025

    Geospatial climate change projections are critical for assessing climate change impacts and adaptations across a wide range of disciplines. Here we present monthly-based grids of climate change projections at a 2-km resolution covering Canada and the United States. These data products are based on outputs from the 6th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) and include projections for 13 General Circulation Models (GCMs), three Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP1 2.6, SSP2 4.5, and SSP5 8.5), four 30-year time periods (2011–2040, 2021–2050, 2041–2070, and 2071–2100), and a suite of climate variables, including monthly maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation, climate moisture index, and various bioclimatic summaries. The products employ a delta downscaling method, which combines historical normal values at climate stations with broad-scale change projections (or deltas) from GCMs, followed by spatial interpolation using ANUSPLIN. Various quality control efforts, described herein, were undertaken to ensure that the final products provided reasonable estimates of future climate.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Oct 2024

    This is the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium's 2023-2024 Corporate Report.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Oct 2024

    This edition of the PCIC Update contains the following stories: 2023 and the Transition to 2024: A Record-Breaking Year Globally and for BC, Salmon Climate Impacts Portal Released, Development of High-resolution Climate Change Freshwater Hazard Data for BC, Updates to Plan2Adapt and PCIC Climate Explorer and The Pacific Climate Data Set Surpasses One Billion Observations, along with updates on staff changes and the Pacific Climate Seminar Series. The staff issue in this profile is on Quintin Sparks.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Sep 2024

    The Earth’s climate system is warming, and signs of climate change are increasingly evident worldwide. The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN), located on eastern Vancouver Island, is no exception. How these changes impact our region will depend – in part – on how well we understand and prepare for them. Using the latest generation of comprehensive global climate models, the RDN worked with the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) to prepare this report describing anticipated climate change in our region. These results will be used to inform regional hazard, vulnerability and risk assessments, infrastructure design, decision-making, and planning in the region, with the goal of improving our resilience to climate change.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Jul 2024

    This Science Brief covers a recent paper in the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems that examines to what extent shared components and computer code between models affects their simulated climate sensitivities, feedbacks and resulting projections of surface air temperature. It finds that models with shared code tend to have greater similarity in their climate sensitivities, strengths of feedbacks, and therefore in their projected surface temperatures. The authors also demonstrated that weighting ensembles of models according to their family resemblance resulted in a lower equilibrium climate sensitivity than when using a simple ensemble mean, and also reduced differences in climate sensitivity between the two most recent generations of climate models.

  • Authors: Curry, C.L., I. Farmer and S.R. Sobie Publication Date: Jun 2024

    The Earth’s climate system is warming, and signs of climate change are increasingly evident worldwide. The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN), located on eastern Vancouver Island, is no exception. How these changes impact our region will depend – in part – on how well we understand and prepare for them. Using the latest generation of comprehensive global climate models, the RDN worked with the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) to prepare this report describing anticipated climate change in our region. These results will be used to inform regional hazard, vulnerability and risk assessments, infrastructure design, decision-making, and planning in the region, with the goal of improving our resilience to climate change.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Apr 2024

    The Earth’s climate system is warming, and signs of climate change are becoming evident across the planet. The capital region, located on Southern Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands of British Columbia (BC), is no exception. The Capital Regional District (CRD) has partnered with the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) to produce high-resolution regional projections for temperature, precipitation, and related indices of extremes. These projections use the most up-to-date global modeling data (i.e., the Sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, CMIP6) to illustrate how the region’s climate may change by the middle of this century. Information provided by this report and the accompanying data is intended to support decision makers and community partners in the region with an improved understanding of projected local climate change and related impacts.

  • Source Publication: Earth and Space Science, 11, 4, e2023EA003279 doi:10.1029/2023EA003279 Authors: Dunn, R. J. H. and 27 co-authors including X. Zhang Publication Date: Apr 2024

    Global gridded data sets of observed extremes indices underpin assessments of changes in climate extremes. However, similar efforts to enable the assessment of indices relevant to different sectors of society have been missing. Here we present a data set of sector-specific indices, based on daily station data, that extends the HadEX3 data set of climate extremes indices. These additional indices, which can be used singly or in combinations, have been recommended by the World Meteorological Organization and are intended to empower decision makers in different sectors with accurate historical information about how sector-relevant measures of the climate are changing, especially in regions where in situ daily temperature and rainfall data are hard to come by. The annual and/or monthly indices have been interpolated on to a 1.875° × 1.25° longitude-latitude grid for 1901–2018. We show changes in globally-averaged time series of these indices in comparison with reanalysis products. Changes in temperature-based indices are consistent with global scale warming, with days with Tmax > 30°C (TXge30) increasing virtually everywhere with potential impacts on crop fertility. At the other end of the scale, the number of days with Tmin and

  • Source Publication: Geophysical Research Letters, 51, 3, e2023GL105605, doi: 10.1029/2023GL105605 Authors: Li, C., Q. Sun, J. Wang, Y. Liang, F.W. Zwiers, X. Zhang and T. Li Publication Date: Feb 2024

    Rare precipitation events with return periods of multiple decades to hundreds of years are particularly damaging to natural and societal systems. Projections of such rare, damaging precipitation events in the future climate are, however, subject to large inter-model variations. We show that a substantial portion of these differences can be ascribed to the projected warming uncertainty, and can be robustly reduced by using the warming observed during recent decades as an observational constraint, implemented either by directly constraining the projections with the observed warming or by conditioning them on constrained warming projections, as verified by extensive model-based cross-validation. The temperature constraint reduces >40% of the warming-induced uncertainty in the projected intensification of future rare daily precipitation events for a climate that is 2°C warmer than preindustrial across most regions. This uncertainty reduction together with validation of the reliability of the projections should permit more confident adaptation planning at regional levels.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Feb 2024

    This edition of the PCIC Update contains the following stories: New PCIC Director Featured in UVic News, City of Vancouver Climate Report Released, PCIC’s Evolution Over the Past 15 Years: A Retrospective by Rachel Goldsworthy and Supporting Risk Assessments in BC, along with updates on staff changes and the Pacific Climate Seminar Series. The staff issue in this profile is on Markus Schnorbus.

  • Source Publication: The Journal of Climate, 37, 5, 1567-1580, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0312.1 Authors: Li, T., X. Zhang, and Z. Jiang Publication Date: Feb 2024

    Weighting models according to their performance has been used to produce multimodel climate change projections. But the added value of model weighting for future projection is not always examined. Here we apply an imperfect model framework to evaluate the added value of model weighting in projecting summer temperature changes over China. Members of large-ensemble simulations by three climate models of different climate sensitivities are used as pseudo-observations for the past and the future. Performance of the models participating in the phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) are evaluated against the pseudo-observations based on simulated historical climatology and trends in global, regional, and local temperatures to determine the model weights for future projection. The weighted projections are then compared with the pseudo-observations in the future period. We find that regional trend as a metric of model performance yields generally better skill for future projection, while past climatology as performance metric does not lead to a significant improvement to projection. Trend at the grid-box scale is also not a good performance indicator as small-scale trend is highly uncertain. For the model weighting to be effective, the metric for evaluating the model’s performance must be relatable to future changes, with the response signal separable from internal variability. Projected summer warming based on model weighting is similar to that of unweighted projection but the 5th–95th-percentile uncertainty range of the weighted projection is 38% smaller with the reduction mainly in the upper bound, with the largest reduction appearing in southeast China.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Nov 2023

    The Earth’s climate system—atmosphere, land, ocean and the ecosystems they support—is changing in response to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases and various pollutants in the atmosphere from ongoing industrial development. The increase in global mean temperature in recent decades has been unequivocally established and attributed to these anthropogenic drivers, and similar changes are being detected in key climate variables on con8nental scales. Recent historical temperature change in British Columbia is also emerging from the noise of climate variability, and future projections indicate this trend will contonue without significant cuts in carbon emissions. The regional and local manifestations of global climate change need to be studied and monitored, in order to design appropriate responses and adaptations.

    Like other major cities worldwide, the City of Vancouver requires up-to-date, science-based, spatially resolved information to enable effective planning and policy decisions. This short report summarizes the data produced by the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium delivered as part of this project. We hope that it will be helpful as a stepping stone for the City as it develops plans and effective responses to these upcoming challenges.

  • Source Publication: Climatic Change, 176, 161, doi: 10.1007/s10584-023-03632-y Authors: Larabi, S., M.A. Schnorbus and F.W. Zwiers Publication Date: Nov 2023

    Water regulation has contributed to the decline in Pacific salmon in British Columbia (Canada) despite attempts to manage reservoir operations to achieve operational requirements while meeting environmental needs to limit fish thermal stress. The ability of reservoir managers to meet these trade-offs in a changing climate is unknown. Here, we examine the reliability and vulnerability of the Nechako Reservoir to meet hydropower production commitments and fisheries needs under two projected Shared Socioeconomic Pathway scenarios (SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5). While our findings are specific to the operation of the Nechako Reservoir, the issues that emerge are likely common to many reservoirs in areas where reservoir inflow regimes are currently snow-storage dominated. We found that projected changes in the timing of water availability have little to no influence on hydropower generation commitments. However, larger water releases will be required to avoid compromising reservoir safety, possibly endangering downstream fish habitat through scouring. Furthermore, the temperature of water released from the reservoir is projected to more frequently exceed a level, 20°C, that is detrimental to migrating sockeye salmon. Water released is subject to further warming as it travels towards the lower reaches of the Nechako River used by migrating salmon. Hence, there is a need to adapt reservoir operations to ensure reservoir safety and mitigate adverse effects on salmon habitat.

  • Source Publication: Climatic Change, 176, 164, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03634-w Authors: Khorsandi, M., A. St-Hilaire, R. Arsenault, J.-L. Martel, S. Larabi, M. Schnorbus, F.W. Zwiers Publication Date: Nov 2023

    Water temperature is a key variable affecting fish habitat in rivers. The Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), a keystone species in north western aquatic ecosystems of North America, is profoundly affected by thermal regime changes in rivers, and it holds a pivotal role in ecological and economic contexts due to its life history, extensive distribution, and commercial fishery. In this study, we explore the effects of climate change on the thermal regime of the Nechako River (British Columbia, Canada), a relatively large river partially controlled by the Skins Lake Spillway. The CEQUEAU hydrological-thermal model was calibrated using discharge and water temperature observations. The model was forced using the Fifth generation of ECMWF Atmospheric Reanalysis data for the past and meteorological projections (downscaled and bias-corrected) from climate models for future scenarios. Hydrological calibration was completed for the 1980–2019 period using data from two hydrometric stations, and water temperature calibration was implemented using observations for 2005–2019 from eight water temperature stations. Changes in water temperature were assessed for two future periods (2040–2069 and 2070–2099) using eight Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 climate models and using two Shared Socioeconomic Pathway scenarios (4.5 and 8.5 W/m2 by 2100) for each period. Results show that water temperatures above 20°C (an upper threshold for adequate thermal habitat for Sockeye salmon migration in this river) at the Vanderhoof station will increase in daily frequency. While the frequency of occurrence of this phenomenon is 1% (0–9 days/summer) based on 2005–2019 observations, this number range is 3.8–36% (0–62 days/summer) according to the ensemble of climate change scenarios. These results show the decreasing habitat availability for Sockeye salmon due to climate change and the importance of water management in addressing this issue.

  • Source Publication: Journal of Climate, 36, 20, 7109-7122, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0681.1 Authors: Ma, S., T. Wang, J. Yan, and X. Zhang Publication Date: Oct 2023

    Climate change detection and attribution have played a central role in establishing the influence of human activities on climate. Optimal fingerprinting, a linear regression with errors in variables (EIVs), has been widely used in detection and attribution analyses of climate change. The method regresses observed climate variables on the expected climate responses to the external forcings, which are measured with EIVs. The reliability of the method depends critically on proper point and interval estimations of the regression coefficients. The confidence intervals constructed from the prevailing method, total least squares (TLS), have been reported to be too narrow to match their nominal confidence levels. We propose a novel framework to estimate the regression coefficients based on an efficient, bias-corrected estimating equations approach. The confidence intervals are constructed with a pseudo residual bootstrap variance estimator that takes advantage of the available control runs. Our regression coefficient estimator is unbiased, with a smaller variance than the TLS estimator. Our estimation of the sampling variability of the estimator has a low bias compared to that from TLS, which is substantially negatively biased. The resulting confidence intervals for the regression coefficients have coverage rates close to the nominal level, which ensures valid inferences in detection and attribution analyses. In applications to the annual mean near-surface air temperature at the global, continental, and subcontinental scales during 1951–2020, the proposed method led to shorter confidence intervals than those based on TLS in most of the analyses.

  • Authors: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Publication Date: Oct 2023

    This is the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium's 2022-2023 Corporate Report.

  • Source Publication: Statistics and Computing, 33, 125 doi:10.1007/s11222-023-10290-8 Authors: Lau, Y.T.A., T. Wang, J. Yan and X. Zhang Publication Date: Sep 2023

    The generalized extreme value (GEV) regression provides a framework for modeling extreme events across various fields by incorporating covariates into the location parameter of GEV distributions. When the covariates are subject to errors-in-variables (EIV) or measurement error, ignoring the EIVs leads to biased estimation and degraded inferences. This problem arises in detection and attribution analyses of changes in climate extremes because the covariates are estimated with uncertainty. It has not been studied even for the case of independent EIVs, let alone the case of dependent EIVs, due to the complex structure of GEV. Here we propose a general Monte Carlo corrected score method and extend it to address temporally correlated EIVs in GEV modeling with application to the detection and attribution analyses for climate extremes. Through extensive simulation studies, the proposed method provides an unbiased estimator and valid inference. In the application to the detection and attribution analyses of temperature extremes in central regions of China, with the proposed method, the combined anthropogenic and natural signal is detected in the change in the annual minimum of daily maximum and the annual minimum of daily minimum.

  • Source Publication: pp. 17-21. In: Boldt, J.L., Joyce, E., Tucker, S., and Gauthier, S. (Eds.). 2023. State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2022. Can. Tec Authors: Curry, C.L. and I. Lao Publication Date: Sep 2023

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada is responsible for the management and protection of marine
    resources on the Pacific coast of Canada. Oceanographically there is strong seasonality in
    coastal upwelling and downwelling, considerable freshwater influence, and variability from
    coupling with events and conditions in the tropical and North Pacific Ocean. The region supports
    ecologically and economically important resident and migratory populations of invertebrates,
    groundfish, pelagic fishes, marine mammals and seabirds.
    Since 1999 an annual State of the Pacific Ocean meeting has been convened by DFO to bring
    together the marine science community in the Pacific Region and present the results of the most
    recent year’s monitoring in the context of previous observations and expected future conditions.
    The workshop to review ecosystem conditions in 2022 was a hybrid meeting, convened both inperson in Victoria, B.C. and virtually, March 9-10, 2023. This technical report includes
    submissions based on presentations given at the meeting and poster summaries.
    Climate change is a dominant pressure acting on North Pacific marine ecosystems, causing, for
    example, increasing temperatures, deoxygenation, and acidification, and changes to circulation
    and vertical mixing. These pressures impact ecosystem nutrient concentrations and primary and
    secondary productivity, which then affect higher trophic levels through the food chain.

  • Source Publication: Global Water Futures, University of Saskatchewan, 2pp. Authors: Zwiers, F.W., Li, Y., and Debeer, C., 2023 Publication Date: Sep 2023

    As global temperatures rise, extreme rainfall and other precipitation events are becoming more
    common and more intense. The disastrous consequences are also becoming increasingly
    apparent. A research project within the Global Water Futures program, Short-Duration Extreme
    Precipitation in Future Climate, takes a closer look at these changes.
